Tell us about a bit about yourself and your background.
My name is Lorato Taetso, born in Ganyesa many years ago. Currently staying in Kathu with my family. I completed my matric in 2000 and furthered my studies at Vaal University of Technology. I am in possession of the following qualifications: National Diploma Internal Auditing. Certificate in Project Management, ISO 9001:2008 QMS Implementation and Auditing. I have worked on several companies and occupied quite a number of positions in the past: Buti and Buti Project Management (Project and Office Manager : 2005 – 2007) Liquid Telecom SA ( Assistant Accountant: 2007 – 2009) Innovation SA (Internal Auditor 2009 – 2013) Omphemetse Lorato t/a The Compliance Hub (Managing Director : 2013 to date). My previous experience has awarded me with an extensive experience in different aspects of business and I am currently using them to grow The Compliance Hub.
At what stage in your life did you decide to get into business?
In 2013, I resigned from my previous and last employer as a Finance Supervisor and an Internal Auditor. That is the time I decided to pursue business
What sets your business apart from other businesses in your industry?
We believe in quality service and efficiency coupled with effectiveness
We conduct our business activities with integrity and in compliance with national and international acceptance principles and processes.
What has been your driving force as an entrepreneur?
Learning must never stop, because it enables growth and you must always be ready to learn new things
How did you come up with the name for your company? How easy or difficult was it?
Omphemetse Lorato (Pty) Ltd not so difficult as it is my late Dad’s name and myself……………..however the name did not speak to what I do and had to revisit changing it and We are now trading as THE COMPLIANCE HUB {quite difficult to come up with this one}

What kind of culture exists in your organisation, and how did you establish it?
Anytime, any day we work………..we do not represent 9 to 5
What does your business do? What products or services do you offer?
Passport 360: Maintenance, Updating, Upgrade, Start-up
Safety Management: Safety File, Safety Officer
ISO 9001:2015 (QMS): Implementation, Facilitation, Auditing
How has being an entrepreneur affected your life?
It has instilled the self-discipline to the core, no boss is watching you but work needs to be done at the end of the day.
Would you change anything in terms of your journey in business?
Not really, obviously I would like to have made more money and so forth but I treasurer all the experiences life took me through. Growth needs perseverance in all circumstance therefore I had to go through all that I went through to be the person I am today.
How do you manage the balance of being an entrepreneur?
It’s part of my life so I manage it same way I manage other aspects of my life I guess
What motivates you every day?
Waking up, guarantees me another chance to grow and do better
What is your vision in business?
The Compliance Hub’s vision is:
To become a successful leader in multidisciplinary professional compliance services
What is your mission?
The Compliance Hub’s mission is to ease the pressure on SMMEs that are aiming for higher levels, by offering compliance professional services that is not their core business but is necessary for their growth.
What are your values in your business?
How do you define success in business?
Quality service, Customer focus, making money and more money
Do you believe that entrepreneurs are born or made and why?
I believe in both, some are born and some are made……….if you are a born entrepreneur and still does not nurture the seed in you then the seed won’t grow and if you are not born but chooses the right paths then you are sure to reach greater heights still
What is your favourite thing you like about being an entrepreneur?
Working hard for yourself
What has been your most greatest achievement in business?
Being part of the Bontle Ba Mosadi programme
Could you please give us links to your business?
(053) 723 1010
082 455 2572
Are you an entrepreneur based in Kathu? Would you like to get interviewed? Get in touch with at
Kathu at Kathu Biz dot co za.